Captain 'E.J' Edward John Smith


Edward John Smith was born in Stoke-on-Trent on the 27th January 1850. He went to school until 13.
Seven years after joining the White Star line, he received his first command. He went on to command at least 7 other ships.
He became Commodore of the White Star fleet in 1904. It became a tradition for him to command the maiden Voyages of all the newest and finest additions.
Edward had a young daughter, Helen and lived with her and his wife, Eleanor, in Winn Road, Southampton. He was last seen on the bridge, just before 'Titanic' went under so it is universally recognised that he died in the disaster.

Some survivors report seeing him in the water after the 'Titanic' went under, but these are not based on enough factual evidence to be considered true; but it is very likely that he wouldn't of given up ever. He was 62 years old and the Titanic's maiden voyage was, allegedly, his final voyage before retirement.

Captain Smith once said; "In a way, a certain amount of wonder never leaves me, especially as I observe from the bridge a vessel plunging up and down in the trough of the sea, fighting her way through and over great waves. A man never outgrows that."

"This crew knew him to be a good, kind-hearted man, and we looked up to him as a sort of father." A Steward.

"He was a great favourite and a man any Officer would give his ears to work under. My first thought was I'll bet he's got a voice like a foghorn. As a matter of fact he had a pleasant quiet voice and invariable smile. A voice he rarely raised above a conversational tone; not to say he couldn't. In fact I have often heard him bark an order that made a man come to himself with a bump."
Second Officer of the 'Titanic' Charles Lightoller.

Captain Smith held the extra Masters certificate.